What is Hima-Server?

It's an active Discord servers for everyone, you can enjoy chatting, talking, and playing games!

"Everyone is welcome! Let's all talk together and make this a fun server!"
"Even if you don't play Minecraft you can still have fun, so please come and join!"

by Owner
Invite: dsc.gg/hima

Join us Discord Server!

This Discord server isn't just for chatting, it's full of special games and services not found in other servers! Minecraft supports not only Java Edition but also the Bedrock Edition (BE)! Moreover, it's not just about Minecraft, so you can chat anytime! It doesn't have to be for Minecraft purpose!

Let's talk with everyone!

It may be scary at first, but let's start by saying hello! During the main chat, greet them cheerfully by saying things like "Thank you for your support!" If you don't have anything to talk about, just say "I'm bored" and someone will come and start the topic! If you don't have topics, it's totally okay if you just talk about useless things!

Let's join Minecraft!

Let's join us Minecraft Server! It supports both the Java Edition and the Bedrock Edition (BE)! You can also participate on Nintendo Switch!