Privacy Policy

Our company complies with the privacy policy (hereinafter referred to as this policy).

Our company collects the minimum amount of information necessary to provide this service from users. We will take the utmost care to protect personal information collected from users.


1. The personal information controller is located in [Japan] (hereinafter referred to as the “Controller”) in accordance with the GDPR (hereinafter referred to as the “Regulations”);

2. Administrator inquiries: Email address: [[email protected]], Phone number: [Discord:koirdsuzu];

3. Personal information refers to any information relating to an identified or identifiable individual.

Collection of personal information

Our company collects IP addresses and Minecraft IDs when users use this service.

Our company collects the following information from the user's Google account through the user's own operations, and uses it in accordance with the separately specified "Guidelines."

Our company automatically receives information such as the user's IP address, cookies, usage environment, etc. from the user's browser or game client, and records it on the server as an access log.

Source of personal information

1. We manage customers' personal information obtained when making orders and purchases in our online shop.

2. The administrator only manages information necessary for purchasing, such as contact information obtained from customers.

3. The controller will process the personal data entered for delivery and payment processing only between the parties concerned and for the period determined by law. Your personal information will not be published or transferred to other countries.

Disclosure of personal information

Our company will not disclose personal information to third parties except in the following cases.

(1) When the user has consented to the disclosure of personal information.

(2) When there is a disclosure request based on laws and regulations.

(3) When a contract regarding appropriate personal information management is concluded.

Customer rights

To comply with the law, you have the following rights:

1. Right of access to personal information

2. Right to rectify personal information

3. Right to delete personal information

4. Right to process personal information

5. Right to carry data

6. Right to revoke permission to store and process your data, even if it has been granted to you. In that case, please contact us in writing or by email to the address below.

7. Right to lodge a complaint with the competent authority in case of violation or suspected violation of regulations.

Guarantee of personal information

1. The controller will implement all necessary technical and organizational measures to protect personal data. ;

2. The administrator takes technical precautions to protect the data storage space, in particular by accessing the computer with a password, using anti-virus software and carrying out routine computer maintenance. .

Changes to this policy

We will regularly review the contents of this policy regarding the personal information we hold and strive to improve it. If necessary, we may change this policy at any time without notifying users.

Last revised date: 2023/11/21 17:20